FLOWIT Performance Lite

Reduce the time and effort of your employee reviews by 80%

Simple digital surveys

No more spreadsheets or stacks of paper

Save time and effort

Digitalize your review processes in under 2 hours



Create login



Upload employee data, configure teams



Create review questionnaire



Set date and review period



Relax - Flowit will send invitations and create an AI analysis

"By replacing paper-based forms with a digital system, BERNINA experienced a significant boost in efficiency during our annual performance reviews. Flowit proved to be the perfect solution, offering multi-language support and seamlessly integrating goal tracking. This transformation has empowered us to streamline our processes, enhance communication, and drive overall performance."

Reto Rutz

VP Human Resources, BERNINA International AG


Get a handle on your team with these features.

Easily create review questionnaires

Create review questionnaires easily and intuitively using our psychologically validated templates.

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Automated invitations and reminders

FLOWIT sends invitations and automatically reminds employees about open reviews. Never run after your employees again.

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Keep the overview at all times

FLOWIT tracks the status of your reviews. The platform supports you in conducting reviews with all employees.

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Reach all your employees

Our app translates questionnaires automatically. This way you really reach all employees, whether in the office, in production or in the field.

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Automated AI Evaluations

FLOWIT's AI generates real-time evaluations and summaries at company, team, and employee level. Learn what's on your employees' minds and get immediate recommendations how to take action.

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Advanced data security

Your employee data is secured according to the guidelines of the GDPR and the revDSG (CH).

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Ensure compliance

Meet your contractual obligations and any guidelines of your certifications thanks to FLOWIT.

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Your advantages

FLOWIT at a glance

FLOWIT's end-to-end approach makes modern, digital HR a breeze. No matter if start-up, SME or corporate. We bring your company into the flow!

Inclusive and accessible

FLOWIT was designed with the idea of bringing all employees in the company along.

Development in real-time

FLOWIT gives you a 360-degree, real-time view of your employees' development.

Made for you

FLOWIT adapts to your company's structures and goal management systems with ease.

Learn and grow

The FLOWIT Online Academy offers your team access to the skills and competencies of the future.

Human-centered AI

FLOWIT's Digital Coach gives you access to AI capabilities that support you and your team.

Easy integration

Through interfaces (APIs), FLOWIT can be easily connected to your existing HR systems.

Data privacy

All data in FLOWIT is securely managed on servers in Germany and is not accessible to anyone.

Personal contact

Our HR experts support you in implementing FLOWIT in your company.


Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

How much time does FLOWIT require?

FLOWIT is time-saving compared to classical methods in performance management. However, the time is used more efficiently and, above all, more sensibly.

How is FLOWIT perceived by employees?

FLOWIT has made it its goal to be easy to use for all employees in the company. From the executive level to production.

How does FLOWIT ensure data protection?

FLOWIT only evaluates anonymized data and stores it in ISO-certified data centers under DSGVO/GDPR-compliant conditions.

For which industries is FLOWIT suitable?

FLOWIT can be used across industries and functions.

How do I reach my employees without an email address?

Thanks to our mobile integration, employees without an e-mail address can also use FLOWIT without any problems.