Terms of use

The terms of use for this website (‘Terms’) apply to your access to and use of the website www.flowit.ai and the corresponding subdomains (‘Website’). If you do not agree to or do not wish to comply with these Terms, you must refrain from using the Website.

1. Access to the Website

Access to the Website is free. The Website is accessed as it is made available and accessible via the internet. FLOWIT reserves the right to change, or terminate or restrict access to, the Website (or parts thereof) at any time without prior notice. FLOWIT is in no way liable to you should the Website (or parts thereof) be unavailable at any point in time and for any period of time.

2. Intellectual property

The content on the Website and all copyrights, trademark rights and other rights to the Website are the property of FLOWIT. Unless otherwise stipulated by applicable mandatory law, you may not reproduce, copy, transfer, sell, sublicense, save or in any other manner re-use any Website content without the express written consent of FLOWIT.

3. Links to other websites

Unless expressly indicated otherwise, FLOWIT is not responsible for monitoring any and all links to other websites. FLOWIT is not responsible for and accepts no liability for any third-party websites. Links are solely included on the FLOWIT Website for informational purposes.

4. Disclaimer

All of the information provided on this Website is solely for information purposes. FLOWIT accepts no liability in terms of the accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of the information provided on this Website.

To the extent permitted by law, FLOWIT accepts no liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable damage, resulting from contract, tort (including negligence) or unjust enrichment, or due to a breach of legal or any other obligations which arise in connection with the use (or inability to use) the Website and its contents (including trusting the content of the Website).

FLOWIT takes all reasonable care to ensure that the Website is free of viruses and any other harmful software. FLOWIT accepts no liability for any damage due to a virus or any other harmful software resulting from your use of the Website (including downloading content) or another website that was linked to on this Website.

FLOWIT accepts no responsibility or liability for disruptions to or lack of availability of the Website that are the result of external causes, including (but not limited to) the failure of ISP devices, the failure of hosting devices, the failure of communication networks, natural phenomena, acts of war or legal restrictions and censorship.

5. Cookies and data protection

Please note our Privacy Policy.

6. Changes to these Terms

FLOWIT may make changes to these Terms at any time. By continuing to use the Website after such a change has been made, you confirm that you agree to the new Terms.

7. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

These Terms are subject to Swiss law (excluding the application of Swiss private international law and international contracts, in particular the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods from 11 April 1980).

The courts at FLOWIT’s domicile in Switzerland shall be the place of jurisdiction for all disputes in connection with these Terms.